Designed by Travelling U.
Accredited by Mondragon University

The Official European Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation, in the international format, LEINN International, is powered by Travelling U and accredited by Mondragon University.


LEINN International is a four-year challenge that happens in a different city each academic year, full of intense and exciting work. A journey to become a world citizen with a global vision and the ability to translate this knowledge into projects that can combat the greatest challenges of our time, transforming the world for good.

  • Duration: 5 weeks
  • Location: Bilbao, Berlin, Seoul.
  • Language: English
  • Enrollment fee: 10.850€/year.

How do we do it?


Learning by doing.

LEINN International consolidates itself as the only LEINN pathway that is conducted 100% in English and in multicultural teams, thus helping the creation of socially conscious companies with a global outlook.To achieve this, LEINN bases its educational strategy on a radical change in the methodology of university studies and uses a system that has been developed successfully in Finland during the past 30 years by Team Academy (Tiimiakatemia, TA), the Entrepreneurship Center of excellence of the HAMK University of Applied Sciences in Jyväskylä, Finland. In Spain, the University of Mondragon has applied and expanded this methodology to different educational programs, through Mondragon Team Academy, it's the entrepreneurship unit.

All this travelling? For sure. WELCOME TO OUR WORLD ✈︎ // BIO // BERLIN // SEOUL // THE WORLD

Studying and living abroad every academic year offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it provides you with a diverse cultural experience as you immerse yourself in the unique traditions, languages, and lifestyles of each city. This exposure broadens your perspectives, enhances your adaptability, and fosters a global mindset. Secondly, living in different cities allows you to expand your professional networks and gain a deeper understanding of various industries. You will be able to take advantage of the opportunities available in each city, such as internships, workshops, and mentorship programs, which can significantly boost your career prospects.


Get your boarding pass to this four-year academic journey.

Want to know more about the timetable and ECTs?
Download the full Study Plan.